Chemical peels are a non-surgical solution to address uneven skin tone, acne scars, and signs of aging. This refreshing treatment boosts cellular turnover, enhancing skin texture, color, and overall condition.

What is Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a non-invasive, non-surgical cosmetic treatment that uses a solution to remove the top layers of the skin, revealing smoother, brighter skin. This process stimulates collagen production, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and skin imperfections.

Why do you Want to get A Chemical Peel?

Benefits of a Chemical Peel

What to Do Before Chemical Peel?

Before & After Results:

Types of Chemical Peels and Their ResultsLight Chemical Peel

Light Chemical Peel
1. Solution: Glycolic acid, lactic acid, or salicylic acid
2. Depth: Superficial 3. Downtime: Minimal (1-3 days)
Medium Chemical Peel
1. Solution: Glycolic acid, Jessner’s peel, or TCA (trichloroacetic acid)
2. Depth: Medium
3. Downtime: 3-7 days
Deep Chemical Peel
1. Solution: Phenol or TCA (trichloroacetic acid)
2. Depth: Deep
3. Downtime: 7-14 days


What is a chemical peel?
A non-invasive treatment using a solution to remove top skin layers, revealing smoother skin.
15-60 minutes, depending on the peel depth and area treated.
Mild stinging or warmth during treatment; manageable with topical anesthesia (if needed).

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